sâmbătă, 14 ianuarie 2012

Katy Perry si-a lansat noul parfum, “Meow!”

La un an dupa ce a debutat pe piata de parfumerie cu “Purr”, celebra cantareata americana Katy Perry (27 de ani) si-a lansat ieri cea de-a doua esenta, denumita “Meow!”. Evenimentul promotional a avut loc la un mall din Los Angeles, unde artista a fost intampinata de sute de fani veniti s-o sustina. “The first fragrance was more floral, by a long while, and this one is a lot more edible. I think that if you can hear a song, and it’ll take you back to that moment, or that person, or that time in your life. Same thing with your sense of smell – it’s really powerful. So I thought I could make memories for people with «Purr» or «Meow!»”, a declarat Katy, care a ales o rochie Moschino si pantofi Valentino pentru aceasta ocazie. Disponibil in variante de 50 si 100 ml, parfumul comercializat intr-o sticluta in forma de felina costa 45, respectiv 65 de dolari. “Meow!” contine note de mandarine, pere, iasomie, caprifoi, crini, vanilie, mosc, chihlimbar si lemn de santal.

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